VITZROEM VTB is a product that safely interrupts extra high fault current that is generated due to a failure at an electric system during the operation of trains. It should be more resistant to severe vibration than the general circuit breakers since it is installed in the trains that run on the rail. The number of switching operation is 20 times more than the other circuit breakers and it is equipped with the durability too endure the switching operations of 250,000 times. It is a vacuum train breaker with the biggest capacity in the world and its performance was verified by KERI. Korea Institute of Machinery&Materials tested the anti-vibration function based on IEC61373 1-Type B.
1) It is successfully internationalized through a performance test executed by the local authentication organization.
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[VCB 24kV]VCB 사용설명서(Mold Type)
[VCB 24kV]VCB 사용설명서(Mold Type)